IHBC encourages responses to HE Local Authority Strategic Framework (LASF) 10 year plan consultation… closing extended to 25 May

Historic England (HE) is holding a consultation on its new Local Authority Strategic Framework (LASF), which will guide engagement with local authorities, support the prioritisation of resources, and help local authorities to understand what Historic England does, why and how, and the closing has now been extended to 25 May.

IHBC Policy Secretary Roy Lewis said: ‘Local government officers and members; owners, developers and their advisors; and the myriad of voluntary sector organisations that are concerned with conservation of England’s historic built environment, look to Historic England as the senior conservation service.’

‘Historic England’s working relationship with the English local authorities is critical, and is described in the current Charter, so I would encourage all to engage with this consultation to assess whether the draft strategy provides a satisfactory way forward for the next ten years.’

Guy Robinson, HE Policy Adviser, National Strategy and Listing, said: ‘The draft LASF illustrates the myriad ways in which Historic England engages with local authorities and the importance of that engagement. I hope that the LASF will support effective engagement over the next ten years and encourage those reading the draft to tell us what they think by engaging with the consultation.’

HE writes:

  • Historic England has just launched a consultation on a new Local Authority Strategic Framework (LASF), which will guide its engagement with local authorities, support the prioritisation of resources, and help local authorities to understand what Historic England does, why and how.
  • The consultation document can be downloaded from the Historic England website: historicengland.org.uk/localauthority (please use this short url if you are sharing/promoting the consultation, thank you).
  • A summary of the LASF Survey Monkey consultation (undertaken earlier this year) is [availabl]. Generally the results supported the draft LASF objectives, outputs and outcomes.
  • Broadly speaking, the LASF has a ten-year timeframe. The interim outcomes on page 6 of the draft indicate what we’d like the LASF to deliver over the next 3 years, which may be a useful starting point for IHBC members when reviewing the document.
  • Helping to deliver the interim outcomes are the outputs listed on page 5, where members may be interested to note that revising the Charter of Advisory Services is currently listed as output 3. Engagement in the planning system is clearly a fundamental aspect of the relationship between Historic England and local authorities. It is not intended for the LASF to replace the Charter.
  • Priority activities (which deliver the outputs) are listed thematically.
  • As stated within the consultation document, Historic England are looking for feedback on what activities are most in demand? Is there anything missing? Are there any activities that we might not do, or perhaps where others can contribute?
  • The consultation runs until Monday 20 April. Historic England is asking for comments to be sent via email to GovernmentAdvice@HistoricEngland.org.uk.

See the consultation at: www.historicengland.org.uk/localauthority

For background on the HE’s current services  to LPAs see the Charter

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