IHBC’s Chair calls on networks to promote 2020 Virtual School: @IHBCtweet, #IHBCVirtualSchool2020 ‘OLD TOWNS | NEW FUTURES’… from a Global Pandemic

As global delegate numbers pass 250, IHBC Chair David McDonald has posted a ‘virtual letter’ to our signed-up followers encouraging the widest network promotion of the IHBC’s 2020 Virtual School: ‘OLD TOWNS | NEW FUTURES’ Reflections and Speculations from a Global Pandemic, including using social media tags such as ‘likes’, @IHBCtweet and #IHBCVirtualSchool2020.

David McDonald writes:

‘I hope you can let your colleagues and networks know about the IHBC Virtual School, exploring ‘OLD TOWNS | NEW FUTURES: Reflections & Speculations from a Global Pandemic’, on 19 June.’

Our affordable fee structure – from only £15+VAT – and the easy sign-up, make it as accessible as possible to anyone!

Even a ‘like’ on our social media posts (Linkedin and Twitter especially) can help! A ‘thumbs up’ or similar gets the word out across all your networks.

You can also help us by circulating even the briefest details on local or network newsletters too, or Twitter, for example:

Join in @IHBCtweet #IHBCVirtualSchool2020 OLD TOWNS | NEW FUTURES – from a Global Pandemic. Online, assorted expert talks, Q&A, polls, morning / afternoon options on 19 June from £15+VAT. Certified IHBC CPD. virtualschool2020.ihbc.org.uk

Our speakers are exemplary and authoritative, with local and global standing….

See more on the Virtual School’s background and speakers at virtualschool2020.ihbc.org.uk

Download the letter

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