IHBC on Climate Heritage Network and Climate Heritage Week and Culture x Climate 2020 – 12/10-27/11

The Climate Heritage Network (CHN), of which the IHBC is a member, is running Culture x Climate featuring CHN-sponsored webinars, weekly themes and affiliated events from CHN members and allies, running 12 October through to 27 November.

IHBC has been actively participating in CHN working groups.

IHBC Professional Services Officer Michael Netter said: ‘We’re making some good progress in ensuring that heritage is represented and respected in climate policy, but there’s lots more work to do.’

‘As a member organisation, the IHBC has been actively participating in CHN working groups.  Projects include ‘Making the Case for Building Reuse through Better Metrics for Avoided Operational and Embodied Carbon’ and ‘Mainstreaming Culture and Heritage into Climate Planning’ amongst others.’

…making some good progress in ensuring that heritage is represented and respected in climate policy…

CHN writes:

This is a virtual forum designed to unite leaders, practitioners, activists, researchers, and experts, all sharing how arts, culture and heritage can help drive transformative climate action in our communities, networks, cities, and regions.  Climate Heritage Week 2020 will anchor Culture x Climate, running from 16-22 November.

CHN members and allies are encouraged to host a Culture x Climate 2020 Affiliated Event, giving your own take on the intersection of arts, culture and heritage and climate action, science and policy.

‘… Even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic the climate emergency remains as urgent as ever, and our shared commitment to mobilising arts, culture and heritage for climate action is as important as ever.  Transformative climate action takes collaboration, and we hope you’ll be inspired to work with us…’

Anyone interested in volunteering to help in these efforts email Michael at services@ihbc.org.uk.

See more IHBC NewsBlogs on CHN

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