RTPI Scotland report advocates implementing 20 Minute Neighbourhoods in Planning Policy and Practice

The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Scotland has published a policy briefing paper which looks at the 20 minute neighbourhood concept and how it can be embedded in Scottish planning policy and practice.

… a model of urban development that creates neighbourhoods where daily services can be accessed within a 20 minute walk…

RTPI Scotland writes:

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an immediate, and likely a lasting effect, on how we use towns and cities to live, work and play in. 20 minute neighbourhoods are a concept of urban development that has ascended rapidly in the minds of policymakers, politicians and the general public across the world. The basic premise is a model of urban development that creates neighbourhoods where daily services can be accessed within a 20 minute walk. This briefing paper focuses on the role planning policy and practice and place-based partnerships can have in delivering the concept in Scotland. This report recommends a range of areas of planning policy, development management and public service delivery which could be adjusted to include interventions to support 20 minute neighbourhoods. The on-going planning reform in Scotland, including the implementation of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 through drafting of the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4), secondary legislation and guidance, provides an excellent opportunity to do so.

Policy and guidance opportunity areas identified:

  • NPF4 and LDP policies including transport, density, services and green infrastructure
  • Designing Streets policy statement
  • Creating Places policy statement
  • Open Space Strategies
  • Woodland and Forestry Strategies.
  • Play sufficiency assessments
  • Digital Planning Strategy

Development management procedures identified:

  • Pre-application process
  • Planning obligations
  • Outcome focused performance measures

The briefing concludes with a discussion on the role of placed-based partnerships, focusing in particular on the role for the Place Principle and Local Place Plans in supporting delivery of 20 minute neighbourhoods.

Read more and download the paper….

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