IHBC President (& IHBC Council Chair) offers ‘Thanks to speakers, delegates and leads’ at institute’s 2nd constitutional Council

Mike BrownFollowing the IHBC’s second Council under its new constitution Mike Brown, IHBC President and Chair of the IHBC’s second Council meeting, extended his thanks to all contributors while renewing a call to members to help shape the Institute’s forward planning, now notably on the operation of Council roles.

The IHBC writes:

The second meeting of the new Council, IHBC’s advisory and training body, on Wednesday 13 October, welcomed sixty IHBC members.

… widening IHBC outreach; promoting successful membership applications and maintaining assessment standards…

Reflecting Council’s aim to be a more inclusive and representative body members came together virtually from across the UK and beyond, and from all areas of practice.

.. setting priorities for new Toolbox guidance and improved CPD infrastructure…

The main content of the afternoon began by looking at how the IHBC is responding to priorities to support its members though the areas across the IHBC’s four main Committees.  This included widening IHBC outreach; promoting successful membership applications and maintaining assessment standards; setting priorities for new Toolbox guidance and improved CPD infrastructure.

The focus then moved to what is happening in modernising the IHBC from its Board of Trustees & this new Council, through the Branches, Committees and working groups.

Members were able to pose questions and raise issues and the varied issues tackled included the availability of pre application advice; post Covid site visits; describing levels of harm;  IHBC’s COP26 ‘Conservation Helpdesk+’; composition of the new IHBC Board; progress towards IHBC chartered status and applying for IHBC membership for members of other accredited bodies.

See the IHBC@COP26 Built and Historic Environment ‘Conservation Helpdesk+’

For more on the first Council under the new Articles see the NewsBlog

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