IHBC responds to Review of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011

The IHBC has submitted its response on Review of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011, noting its opposition to ‘the concept of a deemed consent for the residential conversion of unlisted church buildings, which are not in conservation areas, or indeed for any building’.

Responding to the consultation the IHBC observed that churches being considered for disposal should always have a proper assessment of heritage significance, including the significance of internal spatial qualities and the contribution of setting.

The IHBC writes:

‘We do not support any proposals which could lead to the widening the opportunities of residential conversion of redundant historic churches without very careful individual consideration.  Not all buildings can be successfully converted.  The most successful, sensitive and creative conversions can usually be achieved without substantial internal subdivision and poor-quality ill-conceived conversions which try to put standard domestic layout into a unique building are more likely to be contentious….’

‘We do not support the concept of a deemed consent for the residential conversion of unlisted church buildings which are not in conservation areas, or indeed for any building.  Consideration needs to be given to each building on its own merits regardless of its protected heritage status or otherwise.’

See the IHBC response to the Review of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011

For current relevant consultations that the IHBC is aware of, and for past consultation responses, see IHBC Consultations

The IHBC’s Consultations Panel
The IHBC constantly monitors Government Departments and other national and regional organisations for relevant proposed changes to legislation, policy and guidance. The Consultations Panel formulates responses to these documents on behalf of the IHBC.

The IHBC may not comment on all these consultations, but we are glad to hear opinions on them from both members and non-members

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