Nominations are now open for the 2021 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize

Nominations are now open for the 2021 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize, which recognises outstanding and innovative design solutions that save modern architecture associated with the international style.

…recognizes outstanding and innovative design solutions that save modern architecture…

… addresses these challenges facing modern sites through advocacy, education, and conservation…

The World Monuments Fund (WMF) writes:

With the support of founding sponsor Knoll, WMF launched the World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize in 2008 to celebrate preservation success stories in buildings that are emblematic of the modern movement. The prize recognizes outstanding and innovative design solutions that save modern architecture associated with the international style.

Forward-thinking. Experimental. Bold. Progressive. Innovative. Once recognized for these defining characteristics, significant modern structures around the world often fall victim to material deterioration, perceived obsolescence, and public apathy. These threats repeatedly result in inappropriate alterations or demolition. As many of these modern buildings are too young to qualify for landmark designation and protection, the need for preservation and increased public awareness of these unique resources is urgent.

WMF launched the biennial World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize with founding sponsor Knoll in 2008 to recognize the individuals and organizations that preserve our modern built heritage through pioneering architectural and design solutions. The prize honors contemporary architects and preservationists whose work ensures sustainable futures for at-risk modern heritage.

The prize is part of WMF’s broader programming that addresses these challenges facing modern sites through advocacy, education, and conservation, including the World Monuments Watch. The prize stemmed from WMF’s Modernism at Risk initiative, created in 2006 in response to the increasing threats to buildings representative of the modern movement.

The World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize recognizes outstanding physical interventions to preserve modern heritage. Projects that enhance a site’s architectural, economic, and environmental sustainability while engaging and benefiting local stakeholders are encouraged.

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