Sustainable Futures Survey: For any ‘designer, specifier, contractor or manufacturer’

personThe Sustainable Futures Survey from National Building Specification (NBS) seeking views on sustainability from any designer, specifier, contractor or manufacturer.

image: for illustration purposes only – Open Government Licence v3.0

… What sustainability information is available about products?…

NBS writes:

….Whether you are a designer, specifier, contractor or manufacturer, we want to hear your views on sustainability.

Climate change is a global issue and construction has a major role to play. As COP26 draws to a close we wanted to ask you about sustainability: what does the phrase mean to you? How important is it to both you personally and your organisation? How often do you achieve sustainable outcomes on your projects? What sustainability information is available about products?

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes. For every completed response we receive, we’ll plant a tree through ‘Forest Carbon’ (up to a maximum of 1000 trees). We will also share the findings with you enabling:

  • NBS to help you work and design more sustainably.
  • NBS to understand how important a product’s sustainability performance information is.
  • You to evaluate your own impact on climate change.
  • You to achieve your sustainable outcomes on projects.

Read more and access the survey

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