Councils chosen to pilot planning schemes

People living in deprived and urban areas will be encouraged to engage more with the planning system under new schemes being piloted by 11 councils.

image: Open Government licence v3.0

… giving more people, and particularly those from under-represented areas, the tools they need to influence decisions…

LocalGov writes (12 Jan 2022):

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has announced the 11 areas selected to boost participation in neighbourhood planning.

Seven councils have been awarded up to £45,000 for the Simpler Approach to Neighbourhood Planning pilot aimed at making it easier for communities to set out their priorities for development.

Another four councils have been allocated up to £50,000 to give residents additional support to produce a Neighbourhood Plan.

Housing minister [at the time] Christopher Pincher said: ‘Local people know their areas best and by getting involved in neighbourhood planning, they can properly influence future development in their communities.

‘Through these pilots, we are giving more people, and particularly those from under-represented areas, the tools they need to influence decisions that affect their lives.’

The councils chosen to run the neighbourhood planning pilot are Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council, Bassetlaw District Council, Harborough District Council, Leeds City Council, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Middlesbrough Council, and South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils.

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