Diocese of Lincoln’s new Toolkit helps preserve Church Buildings

The Diocese of Lincoln has launched a new online toolkit to help preserve and maintain church buildings that might otherwise fall into disrepair.

… a valuable training tool for those from outside our worshipping communities…

The Dioces of Lincoln writes:

A few words from Bishop Stephen Conway, Acting Bishop Of Lincoln.

“I am pleased to commend this new Volunteer’s Project and Resources Toolkit.   It offers valuable information for those who want to embark upon a church building project, whether the mundane but very necessary roof repairs or more extensive reordering projects to enable wider community use.   In an easy and accessible series of videos and webinar recordings, there is much here that will be of use to churchwardens and projects leads.   However, I hope that it will also be a valuable training tool for those from outside our worshipping communities who are interested in church buildings for what they represent as a part of our collective history, part of the very fabric of our towns and villages and an integral part of the wide skies of Greater Lincolnshire.   I am particularly grateful for the support of the National Lottery Heritage Fund through their Inspired Ideas funding stream.”


Video Resources

These seven videos cover a range of topics that aim to support and help you with many aspects of historic church buildings. These videos will be added to over the coming months to include further subjects that we hope will be of use. If you have any questions relating to any of the topics covered please do not hesitate to contact the Church Building Team email churchbuildings.team@lincoln.anglican.org or call 01522 504045.

  1. Interpreting your historic church building – to help with your heritage offer for grant funding or new interpretation materials.
  2. Ducks in a row – project management and getting things in the right order.
  3. Grant funding – how to fund the things you wish to do.
  4. Working with the Diocesan Advisory Committee – using the skills and knowledge of the DAC to help with your project, when to contact them and how they can help.
  5. The Online Faculty System – a step-by-step easy to follow guide.
  6. Church Maintenance – how to stop a small problem becoming a large repair bill and other useful tips.
  7. Fix the leaks, lower the bills and help the planet – maintenance, heating and environmental advice on church buildings and churchyards.

Read more….

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