Defra/Natural England LA ‘Survey on Local Landscape Designations’, to 6/09

Natural England is interested in hearing from local authorities (LAs) to understand the current use of local landscape designation (LLD) policies in development plans, with a survey that closes on 8 September.

image: for illustration – P Badcock

Defra writes:

England has seen a rise and fall in the use of local landscape designations over the last few decades. They can be known by various names including ‘Areas of Great Landscape Value’ and ‘Special Landscape Areas’. Some local authorities have retained legacy designations whilst others have introduced new ones in line with Planning Practice Guidance Paragraph: 036 (2019). Many others have no local landscape designation policies at all. Natural England would like to gain a more accurate picture of the current application of LLD policies. This may inform new guidance and explore how LLDs could be used to better protect and enhance landscapes and shape the location and design of development.

Read more and view the survey….

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