IHBC ‘Practice’ Signpost: What barriers are still in place for women in architecture?

In this professional feature, architect, educator and activist Sumita Singha suggests ways to help women thrive in the built environment.

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RIBA writes:

Sumita Singha’s book Thrive: A Field Guide For Women In Architecture takes a global look at women’s progress in the profession throughout history, and is a practical guide to navigating the key stop-off points during a career.

It finds that… while there has been progress over the years, barriers still exist within the profession for women architects…

What can be done about barriers in education?

Starting in education, chartered architect, teacher and author Sumita, who set up RIBA’s equality forum Architects for Change, says the odds of completing the extended journey to Part 3 continue to be stacked against young women, particularly if they go on to have a child or undertake subsequent child-caring duties.

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