IHBC opens Annual School 2015: ‘Cultural Connections’ digitally connected at #IHBCNorwich – Join us in Norwich from wherever you are, at our digital School, with Cadw, journalists, Historic England, and much more…

Norwich QuaysideIHBC President Trefor Thorpe opened the 2015 Annual School in Norwich on Thursday evening with a resounding welcome to delegates at the Great Hospital, as the IHBC, our partners, exhibitors and sponsors encourage everyone with an interest in the diversity and future of our valued places to connect ‘digitally’ with our most accessible School to date at #IHBCNorwich!

IHBC Director Sean O’Reilly said: ‘With the School’s professional standards endorsed by Historic England’s support, and local and private sector interests represented in force, the Norwich School serves as a unique hub where practitioners, players and people can get together to test, challenge and progress the conservation and management of our heritage.’

‘Accessibility is the key to conservation, of course, so we’ll get nowhere without engaging all the people who use, enjoy and benefit from our heritage.  And while for the IHBC and our event supporters, our School is the most important event in the calendar, with our digital connections in place everyone can now join in, learn and contribute across their own special interests!’

The IHBC’s social media consultant Alison McCandlish said: ‘If you are an IHBC member who is keen on social digital networking, and are attending the Norwich annual school, why not volunteer to join in with the digital storytelling activities around the school, documenting your experiences and sharing them; it’s great experience for your profile and even as CPD.’

‘As it also helps those not able to come to Norwich to join in and enjoy the School, the learning and new practice, so what better way to add value to your time in Norwich than by helping others find our more by going to #IHBCNorwich!’

Join in the IHBC’s Digital School 

IHBC Gus Astley Annual Student Awards

For the Student Award winners for the current year, and the award details, see IHBC NewsBlogs

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