IHBC NW conference – ‘Home is where the heart is…’ – launched at IHBC’s 2016 School: 6 October

NW2016The North West (NW) Branch of the IHBC has launched its 2016 Day Conference, ‘Home is where the heart is: Meeting housing need in historic buildings and areas’, which will take place on 6 October at the Liverpool Medical Institution.

IHBC NW Branch Chair Paul Hartley said: ‘The conference will explore the challenges of designing new homes within historic areas, consider how to sensitively adapt and convert historic buildings to meet the needs of existing and future occupants, as well as highlighting examples of best practice both locally and nationally.  It will be of interest to planners, architects, developers, property owners, amenity societies, and all those who manage and care for the historic environment.’

IHBC NW Branch Events coordinator Katie Wray said: ‘We’re absolutely delighted to be launching another conference, especially on a topic that is thoroughly cross-boundary and multi-disciplinary. Explored through the lens of heritage, we hope the conference will generate new debate appealing to a wide audience.’ 

For more details and to book see housing.IHBC.org.uk

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