LG Ombudsman pans Plymouth CC on amenity & warns England’s LAs on powers

Local authorities (LAs) across England are being reminded that the Local Government (LG) Ombudsman has the same powers as the High Court to require evidence, after Plymouth City Council failed to comply with its recommendations linked to a case that had denied a couple the opportunity to have their objections and their amenity considered.

The Ombudsman’s report of the case said the council was obstructive and challenged the watchdog’s findings. It had a number of opportunities to acknowledge the errors but had refused to do so or to follow the recommendations made.

Leader of Plymouth City Council, councillor Ian Bowyer, said: “The council takes this matter very seriously and has been working with the Ombudsman over the last three years to address procedural matters that have led to changes in the way the city council considers issues raised in planning applications of this nature.  The council has already apologised to the complainants and provided financial compensation where it accepts it is at fault. However, there are still matters that the council does not agree with in the Ombudsman’s report.”

Read the LGO decision and read the article at Planning Portal

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