IHBC’s ‘Top HESPR tender pick of the week’: HE’s ‘Listed Buildings Owners Survey’ 2016: closing 2 December

HESPR_QAThe IHBC’s commercial conservation services listing, HESPR – the Historic Environment Service Providers Recognition scheme – offers weekly HESPR Bulletins that bring tender opportunities together into one handy place, and the Director’s top pick for IHBC members this week features a survey, funded by Historic England, of owners of listed buildings, with bidding for the work closing on 2 December and no value stated.

IHBC Chair James Caird said: ‘Our weekly Bulletin of current tender notifications to HESPR members is an innovative service that supports commercial conservation businesses that work to the IHBC’s standards and expectations.  These weekly selections offer the wider heritage world a regular insight into the conservation profession that we hope combine good news, sector profile and service inspiration all in one.’ 

Top tender pick of the week:

The IHBC Director’s top pick from the HESPR Bulletin for this week comes from Historic England which is looking to undertake the following work:

‘Survey of listed home owners, the largest group of heritage custodians. Through the survey we hope to understand the challenges owners face and how best the heritage sector can respond to owners’ needs, including assessing owner’s experiences of the planning system, their dealings with insurance, how frequently they undertake maintenance of their property, where they go for advice / the utility of Historic England’s advice, and issues surrounding the buying and selling of their listed property. This year we are also keen to understand the extent to which residential listed properties are used for commercial purposes as well.’

Find out more about the opportunity

For more on HESPR and how to become a HESPR member see hespr.ihbc.org.uk

HESPR flyerDownload the HESPR flyer

For a free promotion of your tendering opportunities and work needs to the IHBC’s HESPR members, please send details and links to Joanna at contact@ihbc.org.uk, as soon as possible.

Tenders can also be advertised for a fee with IHBC Jobs etc, including a targeted email to 1700 recipients as well as full coverage on our Newsblog alerts and social platforms (membership and followers c.14,000) and websites with 250,000 visits a month. Contact Joanna at contact@ihbc.org.uk

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