IHBC Director helps open CIOB/NT conference: ‘Successful Operation of Historic Building’, London, 3 May

IHBC Director Sean O’Reilly has been invited to deliver an opening speech at the joint CIOB/National Trust conference ‘Keys to the Successful Operation of Historic Buildings’ on 3 May 2017 in Somerset House, London.

The IHBC also will host a stand at this one day event which focuses on ‘the key tools to ensure the successful operation of historic buildings.’

CIOB writes:

The event, which is entitled: ‘Keys to the Successful Operation of Historic Buildings’ will see approximately one-hundred industry leaders and delegates gather to discuss the importance of high quality materials, design and innovation in the built environment.

The day will include presentations, interactive case studies and real-life examples of where innovative and effective methods have been used to maintain and restore existing buildings.

By providing an overview of the materials and methods required for high quality retrofit and using real life case studies, the event will provide a forum to discuss conservation principles and provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the issues facing professionals in the sector…

The day will conclude with a networking session and drinks reception.

View the full agenda

To book see the website

For background see the CIOB website

For more background see below

IHBC handed ‘Keys to…Historic Buildings’: Somerset House, 3 May – CIOB and NT

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