CLG: Future of Building Regulations

CLG are launching an exercise to identify what changes are needed to ensure the Building Regulations continue to operate effectively in the future, and is inviting ordinary people, businesses and local authorities to submit their ideas about what needs to be done.

The aim of this is not only to establish where it is absolutely necessary for regulation to be changed or updated, but also to look for where we can strip away regulation – either because it is unnecessary or because there are other ways to achieve the same outcomes.

While Building Regulations have achieved a great deal over the years, it is vital that they are managed and maintained carefully. We want to ensure that the Building Regulations are proportionate and remain fit-for-purpose, responding appropriately to changes in technology, science, build practices and construction techniques. We are also particularly keen to explore what more can be done to ensure people comply with those requirements.

That is why we now want to hear your views. We are asking for ideas about how the regulations can be improved, added to, or slimmed down and suggestions as to how we can deliver even better levels of compliance in the future, backed up by evidence from your daily work.

We are asking that ideas are submitted by the end of August to the Department at:

We will take all the ideas e-mailed to us, and together with those already received from the Cabinet Office’s Your Freedom and this Department’s Cut Red Tape exercises, feed into further discussions with external partners and the Building Regulations Advisory Committee in the autumn. This will help us to decide our priorities for improving the Building Regulations with a plan to consult fully in late 2011 on a set of detailed proposals for change for 2013.

DCMS Building Regulations: LINK

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