Online archive of Landmark’s ‘History Albums’ now accessible

websiteThe marvellous resource that is Landmark’s History Albums is now available online and this makes the detailed research undertaken on each Landmark digitally available to all, an extensive repository for every kind of historian and others to mine.

Landmark Trust writes:

Ever since Landmark was founded in 1965, every building has had its own History Album, a scholarly but readable account of the site’s history and those who lived there. Each is written by Landmark’s in-house Historian of the day to help Landmarkers get the most out of their stay, and we now make them available to download.

Although every album has been carefully researched, sources are not generally cited in full given their general readership. If you have any comments or new information to offer, please email

Please note that illustrations are reproduced for personal and research use only, and copyright permission should be sought from the owning institution for any onward use. We request that full citation is given for any use of album content, crediting the author and The Landmark Trust.

We have arranged the History Albums in alphabetical order. Click a Landmark to open its History Album – and enjoy!

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