Work on Government approved apprenticeship for thatchers continues, despite email lacunae

Thatching Apprenticeship Trailblazer Group continues to progress funded apprenticeship for thatchers, the Thatch Advice Centre has reported.

The Thatch Advice Centre writes:

The Thatching Apprenticeship Trailblazer Group is continuing to make great progress in the important exercise of setting up a government approved and funded apprenticeship for thatchers.  The first stages are already approved and the group is moving on to the next stages of assessments and funding.  As promised we will continue to keep you posted.

Anyone wanting to be involved, either as:

  • An apprentice
  • A Master Thatcher looking to take advantage of this (when it is available for current or future apprentices),
  • A Master Thatcher who wants to get involved as a Trainer or Assessor (paid roles) There is no obligation at this stage, just an expression of interest.

Please send an email to with your contact details etc. and we will add you to the list…

It is not so easy to ensure that all thatchers are included in this process since it is quite a fragmented craft. However, we do understand the importance of the whole trade sticking together for the good of thatching both now and in the future.

Many thatchers still don’t have email.  If you are a homeowner, please tell your thatcher to give us a call, if you think he is missing out and may be interested.

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