RTPI on Political manifestos

logoRoyal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) has read and digested the main party manifestos to enable our members to see what each party is committing to in their manifestos in relation to planning.

The RTPI writes:

The Royal Town Planning Institute has read and digested the main party manifestos to enable our members to see what each party is committing to in their manifestos in relation to planning.

The RTPI is  party politically neutral and does not seek to influence any person in their election choices. The party manifesto digests are for our members’ information.

The RTPI issued its Manifesto for Planning as soon as the election was announced, click here. To see the RTPI’s policy positions on the topics listed below please visit our policy and research pages.

The RTPI is politically neutral but is not policy neutral and will work with and seek to influence the Government and other parliamentarians of all parties, in Westminster and the devolved parliaments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the government of the Republic of Ireland, on behalf of our members in the most effective way.

Read more….

Download the RTPI’s manifesto

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