IHBC launches governance review

The IHBC has launched a review of its governance, in line with its current Corporate Plan, and is seeking preliminary thoughts on the issues from our members and stakeholders, with comments to be sent to: ihbcgovernance@ihbc.org.uk


Jo Evans, IHBC Chair, said: ‘With the IHBC growing so fast, we need to make sure that our institute is fit for purpose in the 21st century, able to respond effectively and efficiently to both the needs of our members and our obligations as a charity. Reviewing our governance is a key part of our forward plan and I hope everyone will take the time to contribute at some stage in the process’.


Eddie Booth, IHBC president, said: ‘ It’s crucial we get any new arrangements right, but we don’t want the review to distract from the major challenges the sector, and our members, currently face.  As with our Corporate Plan, it will be both led by our members from the outset, and agreed by them at an AGM’.


Sheila Stones, IHBC vice-chair, said: ‘The first stage is for our members to let us know what the key issues are for them.  Our work on developing the Corporate Plan has given us crucial early feedback on these matters, and we will be gathering that as a first step.  But members may also want to raise new points and observations, and this launch, which takes place only a few days after our Council meeting, is an early opportunity for members to feed into this process.’

For the IHBC’s Corporate Plan 2010-15 (CP10) see: LINK


For the summary paper on the plan for the review of governance click:  HERE


Send your thoughts on the review to ihbcgovernance@ihbc.org.uk

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