Companies bidding to win public sector contracts in Scotland must pay the real living wage

Companies bidding to win public sector contracts in Scotland must pay the real living wage to help ensure public sector contracts tackle in-work poverty and promote fair work practices.

image for illustration purposes only

…We will continue to engage with relevant sectors to encourage others to adopt this change…

Scottish Construction Now writes:

Announcing the move, Business Minister Ivan McKee, said: ‘We want to use every opportunity possible to promote fair work and

Announcing the move, business minister Ivan McKee, said: “We want to use every opportunity possible to promote fair work and ensure people are paid at least the real Living Wage. By using procurement powers to ensure bidders pay the real Living Wage, the Scottish Government is leading by example to help influence employment practices and embed fair work principles.

“We will continue to engage with relevant sectors to encourage others to adopt this change across the public, private and third sector. We are firmly focused on creating the right economic conditions and fair work practices to drive a greener, fairer and more sustainable economy.”

Fair work minister Richard Lochhead added: “As outlined in our Programme for Government, a range of measures are being taken forward to embed Fair Work First across the economy. The Scottish Government recognises pay as a clear way that an employer can demonstrate a commitment to their workforce, helping tackle in-work poverty alongside wider Fair Work First criteria.

“We will also introduce further changes to strengthen criteria for Scottish Government grants from next summer, subject to limits on devolved competence, as part of the Cooperation Agreement with the Scottish Green Party….”

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