IHBC Gus Astley Annual Student Award 2012 closing date: 31 July

The UK’s most inclusive conservation award for students, the Institute of Historic Building Conservation’s (IHBC’s) Gus Astley Annual Student Award, is open to submissions until 31 July 2012.

To be eligible work must have been submitted as part of a UK taught course between August 2010 and July 2012, and cover any aspect of buildings or places, their history, heritage, change or conservation.

Tutors, leaders and course directors across a wide range of disciplines, from history to regeneration, are encouraged to raise awareness of this prestigious award and opportunity.

IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘As well as anticipating submissions by early career professionals on conservation courses such as those recognised by the IHBC for membership purposes, we also encourage entries from students across all disciplines that help shape our historic and built environment. And as the award is made for submitted course work, the only extra effort for a candidate is to submit it online. It could not be easier!’

‘The rewards offered to successful students include cash prizes and places at our annual educational Schools, as well as encouragement and support for publication, and even on occasion high-profile presentations.’

‘We’ve also developed our Award website so that students can see how their submissions might fit into its wider history – an aspect of their work that all good conservation professionals should consider.’

Each year a new judge makes their selection, with judges from previous years including officers from Historic Scotland, English Heritage, Cadw and the National Trust.

To submit your course work see: LINK

To download the flier for the 2012 award click HERE

To download the guidance click HERE

For details and background on the IHBC’s student award see: LINK

For the IHBC’s recognised conservation courses see: LINK

For training events covering the IHBC’s specialist interests see our events calendar: LINK

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