Parliamentary Motion on Scotland’s historic building stock: 19/03

Nigel Don, SNP MSP for Angus North and Mearns has proposed a parliamentary motion relating to the repair and upkeep of traditional buildings, to be raised on Wednesday 19 March 

The Scottish Parliament motion S4M-09069 states:
‘That the Parliament notes that Scotland’s traditional housing, including that in Angus North and Mearns, which was constructed prior to 1919, is the group of dwellings most likely to be in disrepair; recognises that Historic Scotland’s strategy for sustaining and developing traditional building skills focuses on promoting a better understanding of the value of traditional building skills; welcomes what it sees as this emphasis on traditional building skills in Scotland; notes the Scottish Government’s traditional building health check pilot scheme, which aims to address the state of the country’s housing stock, and considers that quality repairs will also tend to reduce fuel poverty’

The current motion has achieved cross party support. 

Request tickets for the 4- 6pm session on 19 March

View motions and amendments proposed (including the full motion S4M-09069)

Business for 19th March 2014

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