IHBC Branch survey follow up as Carla lays the groundwork for a monthly Branch and Events NewsBlog: Let Carla know what your Branch is planning!

SW Branch at MontacuteFollowing the IHBC’s recent Branch Support Survey led by our Support Officer Carla Pianese, and an initial report to trustees, Carla is making the first preparations to help members, volunteers and Branches know more about what other Branches are doing, as she gathers event listing and activities from our across our Branch network.

Carla Pianese said: ‘The main findings of the Branch Survey showed challenging issues faced around capacity, geography and recruiting new members.  Most branches also wanted help and support to run events including the affiliate seminars. However overall, the situation is not as bad as it can seem, and we are listening and planning what we might be able to do to help.

In practical terms, and focus on promoting awareness across IHBC members and Branches, the main proposal includes the development of a monthly Branch Newsblog & Events, which will be launched in January 2018. 

It’ll be a great way to raise awareness of local Branch activities with all UK IHBC members, and to show the amazing CPD events they’re developing.  It will also include news on the Membership Application Training Events (MATE) and anything Branch-related.  I look forward to receiving their fab 2018 events and news!’

Carla has written to our Branches as follows:

‘Dear All,

Hope you are doing well.

Just a short summary of the Branch survey and the update that I provided at the Council+ last week.

The main findings showed issues around capacity, geography and recruiting new members. Most branches also wanted help and support to run events including the affiliate seminars. Overall, the situation is not terrible at all that and we are listening and plugging what we might be able to do.

In practical terms, to help promote awareness among IHBC members and Branches, the main proposal includes the development of a monthly Branch Newsblog & Events, which will be launched in January 2018. Therefore, please let me know your plans and future events (with nice pictures!) so I will be able to include those in the Newsletter.

It shouldn’t be focus solely on events, so if you have any news you want to share (e.g. the YO Branch is discussing the idea to open a Twitter account) or if you are hosting a MATE session with Kate Kendall, please include details as well.

If you have any change of details on your Branch webpage (email addresses or want to update/upload any relevant document, please be in touch.

In terms of geography, I am already having some discussion with Branch chairs on the idea of supporting online meeting (for Branch members unable to attend face-to-face) and just had one with the WA Branch on Tuesday.

Of course each Branch is diverse and with different capacity and needs so if you want to have a chat on your specific case I’d be more than happy to listen.

Thanks all and I look forward to receiving your fab 2018 events and news!

Kind Regards…

For more on C+ see the IHBC NewsBlogs


For more on the Branch Survey see https://newsblogsnew.ihbc.org.uk/?p=16497


Carla will be updating on progress as things move forward, but if you would like to know more about the survey contact you Branch or Branch representative, by following the links at http://www.ihbc.org.uk/branches/index.html, or contact Carla, at support@ihb.org.uk

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