IHBC Chair features on DBW’s 7500 user emails ‘Towns and cities in history’ – From 1961, from Context 150

Towns and Cities article Context 150Approaches to ‘Cities in History’ are reviewed by IHBC Chair James Caird in the IHBC’s membership journal Context, issue 150, themed on ‘Conservation and Urbanism’, while the article has featured on email updates to the c.7500+ registered users by our partner service Designing Buildings Wiki (DBW), the construction industry knowledge base.

James Caird writes in Context and on IHBC’s Conservation Wiki:

The year 1961 was a propitious one for sustainable urbanism. It saw the publication of three important books with several characteristics in common: Lewis Mumford’s ‘The City in History’, Jane Jacobs’s ‘The Death and Life of Great American Cities’ and Gordon Cullen’s ‘Townscape’. All three were highly influential at the time; they have all remained relevant to the present day to the extent that anyone involved in urbanism, urban politics, urban planning or urban design should consider them essential reading. Very readable they all are, being accessible to professional urbanists and the general reading public alike….

This article originally appeared in IHBC’s Context 150, published in July 2017. It was written by James Caird, Chair of IHBC.

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