IHBC London Branch Conference 2018: ‘Creative Conservation: Partnerships and Public Value’ – RCP, 4 October

Physicians College LondonThe IHBC’s London Branch is delighted to  announce the launch of its celebrated annual conference – THE key event in the diary of conservation professionals and their colleagues across London and beyond – which will take place in the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) on 4 October, exploring ‘Creative Conservation: Partnerships And Public Value’.

IHBC London Branch writes:

It is claimed in some quarters that the conservation battle has been won. Exemplary developments such as those at Kings Cross show how a conservation-led approach can bring both private and public benefits. But this is no reason to sit on our heritage laurels. There are still many who are sceptical about the value of the historic built environment. Our challenges range from continuing austerity, the disposal of public assets to the pressure for more housing.

How are we adapting and changing to meet these challenges, and what creative means are there to keep our profession at the forefront of protection of the historic environment? In this, the fourteenth of IHBC’s London Conferences, we will be looking at how national organisations such as Historic England and the National Trust are modernising their agendas; how funding bodies are responding to needs in the third sector and how we can do more to promote the sector.

A series of case studies will include how imaginative architectural solutions can increase density while protecting heritage assets, together with innovative ways of re-using Assets of Community Value.

This conference will be of relevance to conservation officers and other heritage professionals, town planners, urban designers, engineers, surveyors, architects and archaeologists, and as usual we intend the presentations to bear of nationwide interest, not solely London-focused.

Further details to follow on the conference website – keep updated via the IHBC NewsBlogs and the London Branch webpage.

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