IHBC’s Council+ on help from ‘MATEs’ and much more: from AGM previews to accreditation and CPD, support, scrutiny and certification

IHBC most recent Council+ (‘Council plus’) – the twice-yearly, UK-wide forum for leadership, engagement and scrutiny open to all IHBC member categories – was held in London on 2 May, offering a unique opportunity for the c.40 delegates to get more involved in the IHBC, shape our membership support, and advance their CPD or membership aspirations too as it focussed on our MATE programme (Membership Application Training Events) of free accreditation support sessions.

The event focussed primarily on explaining, testing and scrutinising just how the IHBC MATE sessions  actually support applicants for membership, and the links to Continuing Professional Development (CPD), including a first trail of new IHBC Certificates, handed out to delegates at the end of the day for use and feedback.

As well as hearing about wider IHBC progress around governance, officer and committee work and the AGM at the 2019 School, delegates were introduced to the MATE programme.  They had an opportunity not only to see it in action but to review the process to date and offer options and suggestions on what its future priorities should be.

James Caird, IHBC Chair, said: ‘Through our MATE sessions – some run in partnership with the Branches, others taking place in businesses, organisations and national partners such as Church Care and Historic Environment Scotland – we offer the opportunity for delegates to understand better the unique accreditation processes and priorities that, as a body supporting a specialist interdisciplinary membership, we require for successful conservation accreditation.’

Kate Kendall, IHBC’s Learning Education, Training & Standards Officer, who has been delivering the MATE programme for the last 4 years introduced the IHBC Areas of Competence and how understanding these can guide CPD generally and accreditation applications in particular.  Kate also covered how she helps potential members, and those upgrading their membership, to understand how IHBC membership is focused on these Areas of Competence.

The Council+ helped those considering full membership to start to see the way forward and also offered an opportunity for others to consider their CPD plans thinking especially about CPD over each of the Areas of Competence. But most of all it gave IHBC volunteers a chance to see a part of the programme in action and contribute to its future development. The chance to contribute does not stop there as we will be asking for feedback on the event itself but also on the development of the MATE programme

Later in the day delegates were asked to present their ‘most competent competence’, each presenting an image that sums up a piece of work they are most proud of and how it reflects their own expertise and relates to one of the IHBC’s eight competences.  This was a varied and fascinating exercise and proved just how diversely skilled IHBC members actually can be!

And on top of Council+ as ever offering free travel and expenses to delegates, to recognise their time efforts and contributions on the day, delegates could enjoy and evaluate IHBC’s new CPD certification trial.  That helped close the day, and allowed them take home their first IHBC certificates linked to the Conservation Cycle, for careful and conscientious filing in preparation for any the CPD calls!

For more on MATE sessions see mate.ihbc.org.uk

For more background to IHBC’s Council+ see NewsBlog 10166 and NewsBlog 11636

View the IHBC’s evolving CPD support, monitor our developing webpage

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