IHBC practice signpost: Scottish Government on new publications – Technical handbooks for use from 1 March 2021

logoBuilding regulations set out technical requirements applicable to building work to protect the public interest and the Scottish Government publish technical handbooks which explain how to achieve the requirements set out in the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 and they regularly consult with industry to review our guidance.

…[the changes] expand the scope of application of automatic fire suppression…

…also published a revised version (third edition) of the building standards procedural handbook…

Scottish Government writes:

We have published updated versions of the technical handbooks which apply to a building warrant submitted on or after 1 March 2021 and to building work which does not require a warrant commenced from that date.

….The changes in the 2020 edition set out revisions to Section 2 (fire) that expand the scope of application of automatic fire suppression systems (AFSS) to cover all new flats and maisonettes, new social housing and new shared multi-occupancy residential buildings; plus consequential changes to related provisions within guidance.

We have produced a 2020 building standards technical handbooks summary page to provide further information on key changes and advice on dissemination events.

In 2019, we published a revised version (third edition) of the building standards procedural handbook. This provides clarification on the procedures underpinning the Scottish building standards system.

Technical handbooks for use before 1 March 2021

The technical handbooks below apply to a building warrant applied for between 1 October 2019 and 28 February 2021 and to building work which does not require a warrant commenced during that period.

We have produced a 2019 building standards technical handbooks: summary of changes document to provide further information.

We also published a revised version (third edition) of the building standards procedural handbook. This provides clarification on the procedures underpinning the Scottish building standards system.

We also held two dissemination events, in Hamilton and Inverness, to outline the technical and procedural changes.  We have provided the presentation used at the dissemination events.

Read more….

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