IHBC ‘Council’, 24/02, open to all member categories: CPD discussions on England’s LBC advice, with AGM too (Proxy voting closed)

All IHBC members are invited to a virtual practice-led CPD Council special session before the 2022 AGM (also open to all member categories) on 24/02, on listed building consent (LBC).

Available to all categories.

The IHBC writes:

This IHBC Council will include a talk, with a questions and answers session, by Victoria Thomson, Head of National Strategy at Historic England, on Listed Building Consent and process, focusing on Historic England’s HEAN 16.


Historic England published an advice note on listed building consent in June 2021, which provides general advice both on the listed building consent process, and on whether or not listed building consent is likely to be required for a range of works. Victoria Thomson will talk about the context to the HEAN’s preparation, and its content.

Although the HEAN is specific to England there will be much of the discussion which will still have resonance and relevance for other Home Nations.

Please join us at IHBC’s inclusive Council online on Thursday 24th February.  All IHBC Members are welcome.  Council will begin at 5pm followed immediately at 6pm by the AGM

If you have already registered for the AGM the link received is valid to join Council at 5pm.  Or register here for both Council &/or the AGM.

The new Council is the IHBC’s inclusive advisory and training body and this short session of Council will offer practised based relevant CPD to help define and develop various methods of training for the IHBC.

We hope you will join us for this useful and relevant free CPD and stay on for the IHBC AGM which will follow.

See more on the IHBC’s Council

See more on the 2022 AGM

Download the Council Agenda

Download the AGM Agenda

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