IHBC’s response to Parliamentary Committee on Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill: Without capacity, ‘little realistic prospect’ of delivery

The IHBC has submitted its evidence to the Public Bill Parliamentary Committee on the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill, noting that ‘until capacity issues are properly addressed and resourced, there is little realistic prospect’ of successful delivery on the ground.

… IHBC welcomes much of the Bill with its positive proposals for the Historic and Built Environment…

The IHBC writes:

In the evidence the IHBC welcomes much of the Bill with its positive proposals for the Historic and Built Environment but asks that the Committee consider expanding some areas to help create a fair, consistent and clear system to protect our valuable historic buildings and areas.  The evidence asks especially for better protection in conservation areas; the extension of Urgent Works Notices to cover Unlisted buildings in Conservation Areas; Consideration of the Setting of Conservation Areas; a considered approach to climate change mitigation and better resourcing for local government to enable the aims of the Bill to be fulfilled.

The response notes:

‘There is a pressing need to make Conservation Areas simpler, more consistent, more open, and understandable. There is a need for Conservation Area designations to give the kind of protection expected by the Public…

Including unlisted building is Conservation Areas specifically in Urgent Works legislation would ensure that more buildings potentially valued by the local community, but in a condition which defaces cherished local areas and leads to public concern, could be dealt with…

Climate change and the introduction of suitable mitigation measures should be integrated into all decision making but in doing so provision should not include arbitrary targets, requirements or clauses and it should always consider how appropriate each measure is for individual buildings. A blanket approach can damage buildings and lead to long term unexpected damage and detrimental consequences…

… until these capacity issues are properly addressed and resourced….little realistic prospect of any of them being carried through…

Despite the clear individual merits of many of the heritage provisions within the Bill, unless and until these capacity issues are properly addressed and resourced, there is little realistic prospect of any of them being carried through successfully on the ground.’

The IHBC’s Consultations Panel
The IHBC constantly monitors Government Departments and other national and regional organisations for relevant proposed changes to legislation, policy and guidance. The Consultations Panel formulates responses to these documents on behalf of the IHBC.

The IHBC may not comment on all these consultations, but we are glad to hear opinions on them from both members and non-members.

See the IHBC Committee Evidence HERE

For current relevant consultations that the IHBC is aware of and for past consultation responses see IHBC Consultations

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