Celebrate Scotland’s Climate week (from 26/09) with an Engine Shed ‘Short Guide’ on ‘Climate Change Adaptation…’

Scotland’s Climate week starts on Monday 26 September and Scotland’s ‘Engine Shed’ has produced a Short Guide about how to enhance and upgrade key aspects of a traditional building. These could provide protection against the elements.

The Engine Shed writes:

Some traditional buildings may become less able to cope with changing weather patterns caused by climate change. This Short Guide describes the key aspects of the external envelope of a traditional building that provide protection against the elements, and considers how these can be improved or adapted to increase a building’s resilience to extreme weather events. It also considers the internal environment within older buildings, and how this can be managed to cope with changing environmental conditions….

For more guidance on building maintenance in a changing climate, explore the Edinburgh Adapts Guide to Building Maintenance in a Changing Climate. This guide gives practical advice to property owners on the impacts of climate change on traditional buildings and how to protect them against damage and decay.

Read more….

Download Climate Change Adaptation for Traditional Buildings

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