IHBC welcomes new Education, Training and Application Support Officer Angharad (Anna) Hart – just email training@ihbc.org.uk

The IHBC is delighted to welcome Angharad (Anna) Hart, IHBC, as the institute’s new lead supporting and developing training – UK-wide and across Branches – while also helping to refine our application processes.

… a warm welcome to Anna…

IHBC Chair David McDonald said: ‘’This is a very valuable appointment for the IHBC, and I would like to offer a warm welcome to Anna.’

‘Anna will provide much needed support for the IHBC’s education training initiatives and profile, not least on developing care and retrofit programmes, and will be looking to this and other programmes forward both nationally and locally.’

IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘Anna’s appointment is great news for the IHBC, as we welcome a new face to the National Office network.’

… a young professional with a keen awareness of the values of conservation…

‘Anna’s wide-ranging and substantial skills and experience map very well to the diverse disciplines skills across our membership.  Furthermore, as a young professional with a keen awareness of the values of conservation, her enthusiasm for the role and will help us communicate our members’ priorities with a while new energy’.

… Anna will make her first official public appearance…. at our partnering with Historic England…

‘Marking that step change, Anna will make her first official public appearance for the IHBC at our partnering with Historic England on the coming Technical Tuesday webinar on changes to Building Regulations and their impact for England and Wales at 1pm on 25 October.

Angharad (Anna) Hart said:

I am delighted to be joining the IHBC in my new role as Education and Application Support Officer. Promoting greater awareness, and the ongoing care, of our heritage has long been a cause close to my heart, and I am thrilled to be able to support the important work of the IHBC, and its partners, in facilitating high-quality training for conservation practitioners, that is both accessible and relevant.

As a former conservation officer and heritage consultant I am aware of the continuing and emerging challenges that professionals in the sector are facing. It can be difficult to access funding or put aside the time to attend training events.  Yet ongoing learning and development is crucial to ensuring that our members feel able to make informed and confident decisions which both protect the significance of our valuable heritage and see it celebrated as a sustainable asset long into the future.

My vision is to work with members, to better understand and help deliver their training needs, and make resources available that are easy to access and add value to their day-to-day practice.

I am also excited about supporting those who want to work towards the next stages in thier professional recognition and accreditation with the us – whether as IHBC Supporter, Affiliate or Associate – and take their next step in the wonderfully rewarding field of conservation.

That’s the perfect way to share the values and benefits of conservation principles and practice as widely as possible.

See the background to the post HERE

See more on the joint IHBC-HE free CPD webinar on Building Regs on HE’s Technical Tuesday , 25 October, 1pm HERE and BOOK HERE

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