IHBC features ‘Heritage from the doorstep’: Stonehenge tunnel delays as decision returns to court

Progress on work on the Stonehenge tunnel has been paused again, after another appeal has been made against the scheme by the Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site (SSWHS), reports The Salisbury Journal.

image for illustration: image: Stonehenge by Sumit Surai – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

The Salisbury Journal writes:

SSWHS been given permission to appeal the decision made earlier this year by Mr Justice Holgate, which heard that a second judicial review of the Government’s decision to approve the £2.5bn road scheme was unsuccessful. The appeal came after the Department for Transport approved the tunnel last year. A303 Stonehenge Project Director for National Highways, David Bullock, said: ‘We are hugely disappointed by this decision, which will cause more delays to this scheme…

John Adams, chair of the Stonehenge Alliance and one of the 3 directors of SSWHS, added: ‘This is extremely good news… We now have a new opportunity for the Government decision to be thoroughly scrutinised…. SSWHS raised £80,000 earlier this year to bring about the legal action against National Highways’ plans, and must now raise a further £34,000 for the Appeal Court hearing.

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