IHBC’s re-cast WebStarter… like your first taste of Apple (cutting edge design that is)!

WebStarter Screen ShotThe IHBC has just re-vamped its WebStarter web resource, the primary route for anyone with an interest in conservation to learn about the IHBC and its work and support, with a new design modelled on cutting-edge design and technology, just like the first Apple designs. 

Charles Strang, IHBC’s Communications Secretary, said: ‘Remember that feeling when you used an Apple interface for the first time? Clear, simple, logical and uncluttered? Well, today its name is Webstarter and the future starts HERE.’

IHBC’s IT adviser Peter Badcock said: ‘We are leading the way again, as we have done it in the latest standards of ‘responsive’ styling that many will be familiar with from the award winning ‘.gov’ site. Here the layout automatically alters to fit various screen sizes, negating the need for separate mobile and desktop sites, and it’s easier to update as well, saving management costs.  You can test it by viewing on tablets and phones or just viewing on a desktop and narrowing the browser window to see how it changes.’

‘Current thinking is for flat panels of colour, rather than gradients and shadows. The boxes used can have images as alternatives to text for this or future iterations of the main site and our other sites.’

IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘The WebStarter resource was launched last year as a way to offer easy access to users unfamiliar with the vast range of support carried across the IHBC’s 30,000 or so web pages. Now it is central to our educational outreach work, as it’s the starting point for developing programmes such as our evolving team-learning guidance programme, which we are piloting with Aberdeen City Council and which we’ll formally announce in the coming weeks.’

‘It’s also the starting point for our initiative to support conservation and related courses, in our Course Connection Day on 18 November, already announced on our NewsBlog.  So if you are on a conservation course, or one that may be relevant, be sure to check with your tutor that they’ve been notified, and if not get in touch with me at director@ihbc.org.uk

For the Conservation Course Connection Day see: LINK

See the new WebStarter at http://webstarter.ihbc.org.uk/

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