PAS: Investing in our place – self assessment tool

England’s Planning Advisory Service (PAS) has developed a self-assessment tool to help planning services look systematically at the way the service is delivered. 

PAS writes:
This tool provides a self-assessment framework identifies approaches to maintaining or improving a council’s planning service to businesses to help facilitate, and not unduly impede, economic growth.

Use it to engage with the planning team, council colleagues and anyone else who is key to your service in a round table discussion. By working through the themes your self-assessment will improve understanding of your current offer to business and help you see how it can be improved.

By working through the questions under topic headings such as plan delivery, evidence base and application process, you can use this to consider your current offer to business and how it can be improved.  Rather than just raise questions that require answers, the middle column identifies, advice, evidence or best practice to help you to consider and adapt your service provision in support of economic growth.

Download the Word document HERE

See more at: LINK

PAS Article: LINK

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