IHBC’s Course Connection Day 2015: A big thanks to students

IHBC Conservation Course Connection Day

IHBC Conservation Course Connection Day 2015

The IHBC offers a big ‘Thank you’ to all who came along to the third annual Conservation Course Connection Day in Birmingham on Wednesday 18 November, which was well attended with students on courses from across the UK coming from places as far apart as Aberdeen, Cardiff and Kent as well as Italy and Romania, and of course Birmingham itself!

IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘It was great to see such interest and enthusiasm.  The diverse backgrounds of delegates reflected especially well the broad variety of specialist interests in conservation.  This really characterises our discipline and its operations: with backgrounds ranging from materials conservation to art installations; and demolition to architectural design’.

‘Indeed we’re delighted to be able to offer this unique day of free learning, guidance and networking to student representatives on conservation and related courses from across the UK.  And with the continued positive feedback on this programme, I’m sure that our annual ‘Conservation Course Connection Day’ will be running long into the future.’

‘Indeed we hope it will be recognised just as substantially as our Gus Astley Student Award: a key moment in an individual’s career progress, whatever their final path, where the IHBC has been there to help offer a sharp eye on conservation practice, and raise awareness of all the complexities and richness of the world that shapes its practice!’

Those who attended came from a wide variety of backgrounds, including art history, engineering, object conservation, town planning and building trades, some were full time students whilst others studied part time and travelled to their studies for a few days a week. Many combined study and work, some of whom already worked in a heritage related field, whilst others were looking for heritage sector related work experience and volunteer opportunities.

Interim feedback comments from delegates include:

  • Lots of information provided and a good introduction to the IHBC
  • Informative and friendly
  • Very useful and motivating meeting
  • I was really happy with the informal presentations and friendly manner of everybody
  • Thank you for an e-mail and links to presentations. It will be very useful for preparing one for other students. Meeting was great, I really enjoyed it.

The aim of the day was not to promote joining IHBC (though of course, it would be welcome if all the students joined!), it was about giving access to conservation resources and networking opportunities as well as promoting discussion about conservation and its role in society and the various career paths available for future conservation professionals.

IHBC publish a huge range of resources which are useful for students of conservation and those interested in heritage, which will be especially welcome for those planning a dissertation or literature review, or considering their future career paths for example:

A video featuring some of the participants at the day will be published shortly, along with a Storify of the day (gathering tweets from the event) and presentations for downloading.

Participants of the event can also contribute to feedback via the IHBC online survey

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