IHBC consults on CP20’s working draft ‘Action Plan’

The IHBC has released a working draft delivery and reporting plan for its current Corporate Plan 2015-20, or ‘CP20’, following months of development and consultation among trustees and colleagues, and is now asking members interested in these matters for their thoughts.

IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘In this draft document we’re looking at how we can ensure we operate as effectively and efficiently as possible.  That way we can make best use of all our resources, including volunteer, officer and staff time, not to mention the fees our members provide.’

‘Of course, in line with the ‘experimental evolution’ of our new IHBC+ programme, we’re especially keen to encourage any members with interests in ‘corporate’ matters like this to get more involved directly with the discussions, but without the requirement to sit through the time-consuming tedium of the meetings that are essential in the preparation and oversight of internal documents such as these.’

‘As this is a working document too, members can be confident that we are able to take on board any comments that will help us deliver better on the commitments we all made when adopting the Corporate plan at our last AGM.

‘So if you do have an interest in these aspects of our operations, please let us know by contacting a Branch or Committee trustee, as relevant, or myself at director@ihbc.org.uk’.

For more contacts with officers see IHBC Branches and IHBC Committees

DOWNLOAD the working draft

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