IHBC’s next ‘Council+’: ‘Exploring and advising on IHBC’s member services’, London 29 Nov

peopleThe next meeting of the IHBC’s UK-wide advisory forum, ‘Council+’ (called ‘Council plus’), which is free and open to IHBC members of all categories (subject to capacity and timing), will take place on 29 November in London, and look at the IHBC’s member services, so if you are interested in finding out more, or to see if there is capacity, contact Fiona Newton operations@ihbc.org.uk.

Fiona Newton said: ‘IHBC’s Council+ (or C+) is a great way for those with an interest in the IHBC to get more involved in the running of their institute and our voluntary committees.’

‘We have a huge variety of members coming to Council+, from diverse specialist backgrounds and varied career stages.’

‘Newer and early career members seem to especially enjoy the combination of CPD and networking opportunities Council+ offers.’

‘We do our best to make sure everyone is actively involved in the discussion and in feeding through thoughts on the IHBC, on how we work and what we do.’

‘So even if you are not yet active  in your Branch but want to get more involved with, and informed about, IHBC, do get in touch, and don’t miss the chance to get involved with the IHBC and boost your CPD and career as well.’

If you are interested in finding out more about Council+ contact Fiona Newton (operations@ihbc.org.uk) or see if your branch has its full quota of Council+ representatives to get more involved there.

For more background on the ‘Council+’ experience see Newslog 20133 and NewsBlog 19013

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