NTS sets up it’s own ‘heritage lottery’ fund

The National Trust for Scotland (NTS) has set up its own heritage lottery fund ‘helping to protect the things we love about Scotland’.

NTS writes:

By joining our new SCOTTISH HERITAGE LOTTERY you’ll not only have the opportunity to win great prizes but you’ll also be helping us to care for the things we all love about Scotland. It costs JUST £1 PER ENTRY – and each week your entry will go towards ensuring that our history always has a home and that our countryside remains unspoilt.

As a charity, we’re passionate about protecting Scotland’s natural, built and cultural heritage and sharing our amazing places with everyone. By playing our weekly lottery you’ll be helping us to protect the 300,000 artefacts, 46 Munros, 38 gardens, 27 castles and houses and 8 National Nature Reserves in our care.

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