IHBC NI Branch launches joint draft ‘CARE FOR YOUR CHURCH and Church property’ with Church of Ireland, endorsed by AACO

The IHBC’s Northern Ireland Branch, supported by the Church of Ireland, has launched an accessible, user-friendly joint ‘CARE FOR YOUR CHURCH and Church property’ publication with the Church of Ireland, and endorsed as practice guidance by the AACO – the Republic of Ireland’s Association of Architectural Conservation Officers.

IHBC NI Branch Chair and publication lead, Des Cairns, said:

As a committee we are delighted to have worked on and seen the publication come to fruition. We had become aware at the need for an accessible and concise booklet tailored for churches, where committee members would have a starting point checklist.

Following on from this we have had discussions with Churches and agencies to provide branded versions for their specific needs. We are currently finalising a collaboration with the Church of Ireland, with a view to provide branded print copies for each Anglican Parish on the Island, and each Diocese.

As many will know, the churches mainly work on an all Ireland basis, working across 2 jurisdictions, 2 currencies 2 VAT systems and now across a European land border.  Clearly we are especially grateful for the AACO endorsement as practice guidance for the Republic of Ireland.

Also, in addition to the publications mentioned above, we have agreed to provided branded downloadable version.’

DOWNLOAD  the draft awaiting final confirmation

See more on the NI Branch

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