#IHBCAberdeen2022’s 10th reprise for #IHBC25: Councillors welcome moves to secure dangerous buildings!

A new NewsBlog reprise on the 2022 Annual School – #IHBCAberdeen2022 in #IHBC25 – celebrates councillors praise for the efforts of the Building Standards team at Aberdeen City Council to ensure that properties across the city present no risk to the public.

…majority of property owners in the city are taking their own responsibilities in terms of building safety…

Scottish Construction Now writes:

A report for the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee provided assurance in respect of the council’s responsibilities in making dangerous buildings secure and preserving public safety.

Aberdeen City Council acts as a verifier to administer the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 which is intended to secure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of those living in buildings…

Communities, housing and public protection committee Convener Councillor Miranda Radley said: “We were pleased to hear that the vast majority of property owners in the city are taking their own responsibilities in terms of building safety – and that our team are there to act quickly if this is not the case…”

A further report is expected to go to the committee in November…

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