Civic Voice announces 3 winners of the 2017 ‘Special Award for Development in a Conservation Area’

Civic Voice Design Awards 2017 brochure coverTo mark the 50th anniversary of the Civic Amenities Act 1967 and to recognise and highlight outstanding development within a Conservation Area, Civic Voice – the national charity for the civic movement – has awarded 3 Special Awards to projects from across England for enhancing a conservation area.

Civic Voice writes:

Civic Voice has marked the 50th anniversary of the Civic Amenities Act 1967 by awarding three projects which enhanced a conservation area.  Sunbridge Wells, Bradford; Cedars Hall, Wells and Warwick Hall Community Centre, Burford each won a Special Award at the Civic Voice Design Awards for making an outstanding contribution to a conservation area.

Max Farrell, Chair of the Civic Voice Design Awards said: ‘Today there are approximately 10,000 Conservation Areas across the UK. Conservation Areas are as much a part of the fabric of this country as the Green Belt is in shaping our cities, towns and villages. I hope, through the Civic Voice Design Awards, we can build upon the first 50 years and continue to celebrate the impact that Conservation Areas have on communities across England, so that we can all continue to say, We care about where we live. Along with my fellow judges, we are giving consideration to a dedicated award focused on improving the management and standard of conservation areas’.

The special awards were made during the annual Civic Voice Design Awards when communities have opportunity to nominate and recognise new buildings, restoration and public realm projects in their local area. The special awards for Conservation Area was introduced to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Civic Amenities Act.

Laura Sandys, Vice-President of Civic Voice finished by saying ‘Along with my mother, I was delighted to be invited to present these awards. I am delighted that as part of the 50th anniversary of the Civic Amenities Act that Sunbridge Wells, Bradford; Cedars Hall, Wells and Warwick Hall Community Centre, Burford have all won a Special Award. When my father introduced this Act in 1967 he wanted to demonstrate what can be done when we realise the historic environment is an asset not a barrier for our urban areas. I look forward to visiting each scheme in the very near future, on a Civic Voice Design Award study tour.’

The event was attended by representatives from the Sandys family, Historic England, British Land and community groups from across England.

Read more…. and DOWNLOAD the brochure of the 2017 Awards

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