IHBC responds to Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) consultation, highlights needs for interdisciplinary conservation practitioners

IHBC consultations webpageThe IHBC has responded to the recent consultation from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on prospective changes in the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) – the framework that enables all UK occupations to be classified according to skill level and specialisation – highlighting the need for the classification to accommodate the distinct interdisciplinary character of built and historic environment conservation practice.

The IHBC called for further detail because ‘Interdisciplinary (cross sector) practices such as those undertaken by IHBC members in built and historic environment conservation practice are difficult to classify’ under the current system, and across it.

The IHBC also called for ‘capacity for structured linkages across the SOCs to facilitate refinement of classification of roles and skills so they can reflect the real-world practices that increasingly demand cross-sector and interdisciplinary skills and outcomes’, especially  those tied to built and historic environment conservation practice.

 The SOC consultation writes:

The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) is a recognised framework that enables all UK occupations to be classified according to skill level and specialisation.  Some SOC users have expressed a need for a greater level of detail than is currently available.  In response to this, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is working with Warwick University’s Institute for Employment Research (IER) to launch a user engagement exercise looking at the level and nature of requirements.  For now, the remit of this work remains exploratory.  There are no plans currently to publish statistics to this more detailed level as it is unlikely there will be availability of large enough sample sizes to make the new job groups statistically viable.

Your insight will however play a crucial role in contributing to the development of the framework.

The survey will remain open until Sept 30th 2019. Analysis of returns will be undertaken throughout the exercise period, with follow up engagement stemming from responses made taking place as required.

More information on the project can be viewed at consultations.ons.gov.uk

DOWNLOAD the outline response and see our Consultations Page

See more background on the IHBC’s Consultation Panel

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