Your Prosecutions data please, for IHBC’s ‘LB Prosecutions Database’

New information is sought for IHBC’s ‘LB Prosecutions Database’ so if you have been involved with a case please forward the details to Bob Kindred, who complies the list, at

The database, established 26 years ago, contains hundreds of case sentences and is accessible on-line.


Bob Kindred said: ‘Several recent local authority listed building prosecutions found in the media have been added to the IHBC’s National Database of Listed Building but were not notified directly to IHBC by the Council.’

‘When you notify IHBC directly we can often obtain some feedback, particularly when the fines imposed were considered low in relation to the seriousness of the offence. We can also establish if the LPA’s legal team and/or the clerks to the courts were aware of our Database and/or the Historic England’s ‘Heritage Crime Guidance for Sentencers’ (2017) especially as the latter unfortunately does not cross-refer to the former.’

‘Councils tell us that by using our resources prosecution cases were better served; better placed in context; and the penalties may have better reflected the seriousness of the offences than where this cumulative data was either not known about or had not been tapped.’

‘You are urged to send data of recent cases (or old ones that may have been missed) directly to IHBC in the format used on-line to

View the IHBC LB Prosecutions Database

Visit the IHBC Listed Buildings Database Commentary

For the ‘Heritage Crime Guidance for Sentencers 2017’ see the IHBC NewsBlog

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