IHBC LB prosecutions data on web

Today the IHBC launched its Listed Buildings Prosecution data resource on its web site.

IHBC director Seán O’Reilly said: “This is a special moment in our history,  the database actually predates the IHBC, yet, like much of our best work, it arose as a voluntary initiative.  We are extremely proud to have helped in the development of this national reference for conservation specialists.”
This database was created in 1996 on the initiative of Bob Kindred – today the IHBC’s voluntary Local Government Officer – to help to establish levels of local authority prosecution activity.

Bob Kindred, MBE, said: “When I started, I hadn’t anticipated that it might become a national resource.  In retrospect, and in light of the Secretary of State’s 1994 policy to encourage prosecutions where appropriate, alongside several very high profile cases, it has more than proved its worth.  But we need cases to be reported to us to maintain its effectiveness, so we’re encouraging people to use the data, and to let us know when there are any more cases to be added to the list.”

The prosecution data can be found on:

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